
2024年11月21日 (木)

路面清掃日記『幹線路清掃・完了』/ Road Cleaning Diary "Main Road Completed"



On Friday, November 15, 2024, we cleaned the roads of Ako City's Traffic Park, completing the cleaning of the main road that runs through the center of the park. From next time, we will start cleaning the outer road, which is the most time-consuming part.

『 15㎡に 4時間 / 15㎡ for 4 hours 』

今回は、交通公園の中央部を南北に貫く道路の最後のエリア、上図で赤く塗り潰した、幅 3m × 長さ 5m余りの外周路の清掃でした。たった 15㎡ ほどのエリアでしたが、交通公園を取り囲んでいる自然の猛者・草たちとの戦いの最前線ですから、彼らを根こそぎ除去する作業はとても手間が掛かります。作業後の画像からは想像は難しいかも知れませんが、今回も 4時間余りの作業となりました。

This time, we cleaned the outer road, which is 3m wide and just over 5m long, which is painted red in the image above, and is only about 15 ㎡ in area. However, the outer road is the front line of the battle against the natural enemies and grasses that surround the Traffic Park, so the work of removing them by the roots is very time-consuming. It may be hard to imagine from the image after the work, but this time it took more than 4 hours of work.


『 次回の目標 / Next Target 』

2024年3月から始めた清掃ですが、これで大切な幹線路(約 1144 ㎡ )の清掃が完了しましたので、次回からは、いよいよ、路面状況が一番酷い外周路の清掃に入ります。残る外周路の未清掃エリアは 310 ㎡ ほどですが、先ずは、最も路面状況が酷いエリアを選びながら清掃を進めていく予定です。と言うのも、実際に、自転車や原付バイクの講習が開催されたなら、道幅の広い幹線路をメインで使用して、外周路は単なる通路として使われる事が想定されるので、先ずは、通路として支障が無いレベルにする事を優先するべきと考えたからです。

そして、次回の目標は、交通公園で最も巨大な “土砂溜まり” の路面からの撤去です。 幅が 約 1m、長さ 約 3m、そして厚みが  10cm を超える大きさで、どういうメカニズムで、こんな大きさに育ったのか不思議な存在です。生えている草の根も完全に除去すれば、そのメカニズムや年齢が判るかも知れません。


The cleaning work started in March 2024, and now that the important main road (approximately 1144 m2) has been cleaned, from next time, we will finally start cleaning the outer road, approximately 310 ㎡. And since there are several particularly dangerous places on the outer road where the road surface is in poor condition, we will select and clean the most severe areas one by one.

As a result of that selection, the next cleaning target is to remove the largest "earth and sand puddle" in the traffic park from the road surface. It is about 1m wide, about 3m long, and more than 10cm thick, and it is a mysterious existence by what mechanism it grew to such a size. If the roots of the grass growing on it are completely removed, we may be able to understand its mechanism and age.




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2024年11月 9日 (土)

路面清掃日記『アスファルトを破壊する草』 / Road Ckeaning Diary "Pavement Destroyed by Grass"


On November 7, 2024, we conducted a cleanup activity at Ako City's Traffic Park. There is not much cleaning work left on the main road in the center, but we have finally started work on the outer road, which is the most time-consuming part.



『 草はアスファルトを破壊する / Grass Destroys Asphalt 』


One of the things I learned after starting the traffic park cleanup is the power of plants. I was particularly surprised when I learned that grass roots erode and destroy asphalt.

恐らく、草の根が出す酸・根酸によって、アスファルトが溶かされるのでしょう。その量は僅かだとしても、数十年もの年月をかけて破壊してしまうのだと思います。公園は年に数回は草刈りの手入れがされていますが、公園の草の多くは “地下茎” で繁殖するので、地中に根が残っている限りは死なず、直ぐに新しく葉を伸ばして、アスファルトが破壊された跡が至る所にあります。

The asphalt is probably being dissolved by the acid released by the grass roots. Even if the amount is small, it will take decades to destroy it. The park is mowed several times a year, but most of the grass in the park reproduces by "underground stems", so it will not die as long as its roots remain underground, and new leaves will quickly grow, and there are traces of destroyed asphalt everywhere.


『 土が先か、草が先か / Which comes first, the soil or the grass? 』

そして、交通公園の外周を走る外周路では、公園の外から草たちが公園の中へと群れを成して侵略しています。それも、必ず “土” の台地も伴って繁殖しています。恐らく、最初は路面表面を横に伸びる草たちが侵入して、その草たちの助けを借りて、埃や砂、土たちが路面上に溜まり、溜まった土をベースにして草たちが増えるサイクルを繰り返したのでしょう。そんな所でも、当然、定期的に草刈りは行なわれた筈ですが、土の除去は行なわないので、数十年の時の経過で、外周路は外から侵略する草と土に覆われて、被害の大きな所で 40㎝ 以上も外周路が狭くなっているのです。しかも、その土の下ではアスファルトへの浸食は続いているので、路面も被害を受け続けているのです。

And on the outer road that runs around the perimeter of the traffic park, grass is invading the park in groups from outside. It always grows with the soil. Probably, the grass growing horizontally on the road surface invaded first, and with the help of the grass, dust, sand, and soil accumulated on the road surface, and the grass grew on the accumulated soil, repeating the cycle. Even in such places, the grass should have been mowed regularly, of course, but the soil was not removed, so over the course of several decades, the outer road was covered with grass and soil invading from outside, and in the most damaged areas, the outer road has narrowed by more than 40 cm. Moreover, the asphalt continues to erode under the soil, so the road surface continues to be damaged. 



どちらにして、外周路では、土と草、そして草の根の除去に特に手間が掛かます。今回は、僅か 16㎡ ほどの清掃でしたが、4時間余りの作業となりました。しかし、ここが戦いの最前線です。しっかりと対処をすれば、当分の間は侵略を止められるので、来年の春には、より多くの人が安心して利用できる公園になるでしょう。

Either way, it is particularly difficult to remove the soil, grass, and grass roots on the outer road. This time, we only cleaned about 16 square meters, but it took more than four hours to work. However, this is the front line of the battle. If we take appropriate measures, we can stop the invasion for the time being, and by next spring, more people will be able to use the park safely.
But there's more to come.



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2024年10月31日 (木)

路面清掃日記『リハビリ報告』 / Road Ckeaning Diary "Rehabilitation Report"


On Tuesday, October 29, 2024, we cleaned the road surface of "Traffic Park" in Ako City, so we would like to report on this.


『 自然溢れる外周路 / Peimenter Road Full of Nature 』

交通公園の中央部の十字路から伸びる 2本の太い道路の清掃も残り僅かとなりました。しかし、図や写真からは想像はつかないと思いますが、これからが骨が折れる清掃になります。と言うのは、「交通公園」は河川敷の草地・草原の中にポツンと作られた舗装路の施設なので、施設の外周部になればなる程に、外側から侵入してくる草や砂・土が多くなり、それだけ路面の損傷も酷くなっているからです。

画像で示したのは、今回の作業エリアで、同じ箇所の清掃作業の前後の様子です。草による路面浸食の影響で、アスファルト路面が破壊されている事が判ると思います。こういう場所では、草たちは “地下茎” のネットワークを張り巡らして集団で繁殖しているので、その破壊力を止めるには、地表に見えている部分の草刈りではだめです。地下茎を可能な限り、それこそ、根こそぎ抜き取っておく必要があります。

The Traffic Park is a paved road facility built in the grassland and grassland of the riverbed, so the closer you get to the perimeter of the facility, the more grass, sand, and soil that invades from the outside, and the more severe the damage to the road surface becomes, making the cleaning work harder.
The image shows the same area in the work area before and after cleaning work. You can see that the asphalt road surface has been destroyed by the effects of grass erosion. In places like this, the grass spreads in groups, spreading a network of "underground stems," so mowing the parts that are visible above ground is not enough to stop their destructive power. It is necessary to pull out as many underground stems as possible, right up to the roots.


However, now that I'm used to cleaning work and my skills have improved, I tried to increase the workload a little to check the results of the rehabilitation.

『 リハビリ報告 / Rehabilitation Report 』


暑さが厳しく体調にも厳しかった夏場を過ぎ、以前の様に、活動後に発作が出る事も少なくなっていたので、今回は少し無理をして 6時間の作業に挑戦しました。結果は、清掃から 2日経過しましたが、今の所は発作は起きていませんので、リハビリ計画は順調と言えるでしょう。しかし、やはり疲れは大きく残っています。


Last year, I got sick living in Kobe, and in May I was hospitalized with heart failure, and my body was not able to put much strain on my heart. However, after moving to Ako, I started to pay attention to various things, from diet to sleep, and made efforts to suppress heart attacks, gradually reducing the frequency and severity of attacks.
And since the beginning of this year, I started cleaning up the "traffic park" that I had been concerned about for a while, with a heart rate monitor and blood pressure monitor in hand, in order to make it safe to drive.

After the summer, which was tough on my health, I have not had as many attacks after cleaning activities as before, so this time I increased the load a little and tried to work for six hours. As a result, two days have passed since the cleaning, and so far I have not had any attacks, so I can say that my rehabilitation plan is going well. However, I am still very tired.

All that remains of the main road is the outer circumference road, but since this is the part that is the most strained, I plan to do it over two more days. I aim to complete the cleaning of the two main roads by mid-November.



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2024年10月25日 (金)

路面清掃日記『草の根の脅威 』/ Road Cleaning Diary "Grassroots Threat"

2024年 10月22日と24日の両日、赤穂市にある「交通公園」の路面清掃をしましたので報告します。

We cleaned the road surface of "Traffic Park" in Ako City on both October 22nd and 24th, 2024, so we would like to report on it.

『 草の根の脅威 / Grassroots Threat 』

以前、清掃活動を報告書で知った 2人の方から「草刈り機ありますけど、使いませんか」と別々に申し出を受けた事があります。とても、ありがたい事です。きっと、報告書の画像から、雑草の刈り取りが大変そうに見えたのでしょう。お二人には、「ありがとうございます。でも、路面清掃がメインですから」とお断りしました。




Due to the lack of sufficient road cleaning for many years, the important asphalt pavement has been eroded, collapsed, and there are many places where it has risen up due to the root acid secreted from the grass roots, so in order to protect the road surface, it is essential to remove the grass that has broken through the asphalt and grown. In addition, we do not cut off the parts that are sticking out from the ground surface, but remove them by the roots, which takes a lot of time and effort, and most of the road cleaning work is spent on removing the grass.



『 今後の見通し / Future Outlook 』

公園の中央部を走る太い道路の未清掃区間は残り僅かとなりましたが、中央部に較べて外周部の方が路面も草も荒れているので、南北道路を終えるまには、あと少なくとも 3日間の作業が必要になるでしょう。そして、11月に入ってからは、外周路の作業に入る予定です。しかし、外周路にはとても大きな “土砂溜まり” が点在していて、走行するにはとても危険な場所が数多くあるので、そうい場所のスポット清掃から始める予定です。


It will take at least three more days of work to finish cleaning the central part of the park. Then, in November, we plan to start work on the outer road. However, the outer road is dotted with very large "dirt piles" and there are many places that are very dangerous to drive on, so we plan to start with spot cleaning of those places.

In order to make the area more suitable for safe driving lessons during the Spring Traffic Safety Driving Week, bicycle safety lessons for newly enrolled junior high school students, and driving lessons for newly hired postal workers and Yakult Ladies, in addition to the main wide central road that will be used as the main route, we would like to make the outer road, which is to be used as a "travel path," as safe as possible to use in order to ensure smooth operation.




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2024年10月23日 (水)

交通公園・路面清掃活動を掲載しました / Road Cleaning Activities Publishied


he road cleaning activities at Ako City's Traffic Park, which began in March 2024, have been summarized and published on the official website in an easy-to-understand format.
The progress of the cleaning activities to date has been posted on the "Official Blog", the activity dates have been posted on the "Activity Timeline", and the event details have also been posted in the "Event Planning Guide".


路面清掃活動 ・公式ブログ / Road cleaning activities・on the official blog

2024年活動年表 / 2024 Activity Timeline

イベント企画案内 / Event Planning Information



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