« 路面清掃日記『リハビリ報告』 / Road Ckeaning Diary "Rehabilitation Report" | トップページ | 路面清掃日記『アスファルトを破壊する草』 / Road Ckeaning Diary "Pavement Destroyed by Grass" »

2024年11月 2日 (土)

『オンライン Q&A』も、活動年表に / ”Online Q&A" also listed in the Timeline

そして今回は、2024年度の活動年表に、10月までに回答した 5件の『オンライン Q&A』を追加して掲載しましたので、是非、はご覧下さい。 また、2023年までの『オンライン Q&A』も順次掲載していきます。

GRA creates as detailed an explanatory article as possible for each question received, and posts it on the official website as a response to the questioner, so that many people can refer to it. However, although we spend more time creating these than we do for general events, we did not previously include them in the activity timeline, so from now on, we have decided to include the response date as the event date.
And this time, we have added five "Online Q&As" that were answered by October to the 2024 activity timeline, so please take a look. We will also be gradually posting "Online Q&As" up to 2023.

【 2024年度 活動年表 / 2024 Activity Timeline 】

We look forward to receiving your questions in the future, so please feel free to send them to us.



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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.

« 路面清掃日記『リハビリ報告』 / Road Ckeaning Diary "Rehabilitation Report" | トップページ | 路面清掃日記『アスファルトを破壊する草』 / Road Ckeaning Diary "Pavement Destroyed by Grass" »





« 路面清掃日記『リハビリ報告』 / Road Ckeaning Diary "Rehabilitation Report" | トップページ | 路面清掃日記『アスファルトを破壊する草』 / Road Ckeaning Diary "Pavement Destroyed by Grass" »



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