書類手続き、楽しみました / I enjoyed the Paperwork
I submitted the documents to the prefectural government and the Legal Affairs Bureau the other day, but later I was pointed out errors in the preparation of the minutes and other documents, so today (April 15), I submitted them again.
After all, it is stimulating to face the person in charge directly and check each document one by one while submitting it, and I am convinced that this stimulation is the reason I enjoy it.
Perhaps I am someone who will lose a great deal of enjoyment if government offices are completely transformed into DX (Digital Transformation).
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« 私は、路面清掃をします / I will Cleanup the Road | トップページ | 第4回 路面清掃の報告です / Report on the 4th Park Cleanup »
「GRA 事務局活動」カテゴリの記事
- 「支援金」窓口の公開準備中です / Preparing to open the "Support Fund" window(2025.01.10)
- 画像公開していきます / We will be posting Images(2024.12.15)
- 路面清掃・600㎡ 完了しました / Road Cleaning 600㎡ Completed(2024.08.04)
- 書類手続き、楽しみました / I enjoyed the Paperwork(2024.04.15)
- 令和5年度『事業報告書』/ 2023 Ptoject Report(2024.03.31)
« 私は、路面清掃をします / I will Cleanup the Road | トップページ | 第4回 路面清掃の報告です / Report on the 4th Park Cleanup »