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2024年12月30日 (月)

1921年型 ダグラス / 1921 Douglas

sources : The Classic Motorcycle Channel 

1907年に英国・ブリストル市でオートバイ製造を開始した会社、Douglas  製の有名な 1921年型の車両で、オートバイや自動車を含めて、当時のエンジニアリングを直接確認できる良い動画です。

This is a good video showing the famous 1921 vehicle made by Douglas, a company that started manufacturing motorbikes in the city of Bristol, UK, in 1907, and gives a first-hand look at the engineering of the period, including motorcycles and cars.



ダグラスは、最初に発売したオートバイから、水平対向 2気筒エンジンを最大の特徴となっています。二つのシリンダーは前後の方向に向かって水平に搭載されていて、その優れた始動性や高回転性能に優れていて、マン島のレースではクラス優勝するなど高い性能が認められ、第一次世界大戦時には軍(英国)から発注で 7万台を製造・納入しています。この 1921年型では、シリンダーの横に吸排気のバルブがある サイドバルブ形式で、エンジン後方下部にある 2速トランスミッションには チェーンで駆動力が伝えられ、そこから後輪へはベルト駆動になっています。後輪の通常のホイールの内側に一回り小さなリム・ホイールがベルト駆動の対象になっていますが、そのホイールは鉄道用ブレーキと同様な制動装置(ブレーキ)が付いているのが判ります。

なお、第一次世界大戦で敗戦国となったドイツでは、発電用などの汎用エンジンとして、BMW が この ダグラス の水平対向エンジンをリバースエンジニアリング(複写)で製造を始めており、後に、エンジンの搭載方向は異なりますが、水平対向エンジンのオートバイで時代を築いた事を考えると、きっと、この Douglas が歴史の上では大切な役割を果たした事が理解できるでしょう。

From the first motorbikes Douglas launched, the horizontally opposed two-cylinder engine was its most distinctive feature. The two cylinders were mounted horizontally towards the front and rear, and their excellent starting and high-revving performance was recognised by high performance, including class wins in the Isle of Man races, and 70,000 were built and delivered on order from the military (British) during the First World War. This 1921 model had a side-valve design, with intake and exhaust valves next to the cylinders, and a chain transmitting drive power to a two-speed transmission at the rear bottom of the engine, from which the rear wheels were belt-driven. A smaller rim wheel inside the normal rear wheel is subject to the belt drive, and it can be seen that this wheel has a braking device (brake) similar to a railway brake.

It should be noted that in Germany, which was defeated in the First World War, BMW began reverse-engineering and manufacturing this Douglas horizontally opposed engine as a general-purpose engine for power generation and other applications, and later, although the engine was mounted in a different direction, it was the horizontally opposed engine motorbikes that established the era, Surely it can be understood that the Douglas played an important role in history.



ページ中の画像は クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示 - 非営利 - 改変禁止 4.0 国際 ライセンスの下に提供されています
文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.


2024年12月27日 (金)

新年に向けて / Wishing you a Good new year!



坂越は、とても風変りな地形をしています。河川が作り出した平地と海との境界線(海岸線)に沿って、標高 100m を超す山々が屏風(びょうぶ)の様に連なっているのです。そのため、朝、中国山系から河川に沿って流れてきた霧が、その山々に行く手を遮られて巨大な霧の塊になり、屏風の山々の姿さえ覆い隠してしまいます。ですから山々の麓(ふもと)にある自宅は霧の中、丁度 朝日の真下にあります。

In accordance with Japan's custom when you lose a close relative, we will not be able to send you a congratulatory message even in the New Year, but we will send you a wish for a good New Year.
I hope you will have a more fulfilling year next year than this year.

By the way, the image posted is a morning scene in Sakoshi, Ako City, where my home is located.
Sakagoe has a very peculiar topography. Along the boundary between the flatlands created by the rivers and the sea (coastline), mountains with an altitude of more than 100 meters are connected like a folding screen, and the mist that flows along the rivers from the Chugoku Mountains in the morning blocks the way to the mountains and becomes a huge mass of mist, obscuring even the appearance of the mountains on the folding screen. So my home at the foot of the mountains is in the fog, just below the sunrise.


2024年12月26日 (木)

帰路 / On the way Back






esterday (24 Dec.), I returned home to attend my sister-in-law's funeral.
Originally, I was not good at ceremonial ceremonies and avoided them.
Perhaps due to the stress of attending, my body showed a strong rejection reaction.

However, I'm glad I attended.
Surely, it will be much better than a wedding.

Now, from now on, I will live a new day


2024年12月22日 (日)

さくら / Cherry Blossoms




From an uphill battle og 39 days with only an IV drip
My sister-in-law was released

The promise of cherry blossoms next spring is also gone

療養日記・12月22日 / Diary of Medical Treatment, 22 December


 0:30    心房細動の発作を確認、約 10日ぶり
                心拍数 167 BPM (回/分)

 4:00     発作は続く
                心拍数は 174 BPM、
                血圧は通常時よりも 上が 30 mmHg 以上低い
                このまま 休むしかない

 5:30     発作は収まる   最近は短時間で収まるようになった
                心拍数は 74 BPM、通常時よりも 20 BPM 程高い
                血圧は通常時よりも 20 mmHg ほど低い

12:00    心拍数  79 BPM、相変わらず 高いまま
                体温 36.3 ℃、通常時より 0.4 ℃高く、身体はダメージ回復で奮戦中


December 22, 2024

 0:30         Confirmed attack of atrial fibrillation, first in about 10 days
                Heart rate 167 BPM (beats per minute)
                After all, it comes out when you walk a lot and do cleaning work
                I feel really bad, but I have no choice but to rest

 4:00        The seizures continue
                Heart rate is 174 BPM,
                Blood pressure is more than 30mmHg below normal
                I have no choice but to rest.

 5:30        The seizures subside.   
                Heart rate is 74 BPM, 20 BPM higher than normal.
                During an attack, the body is damaged, so there is no choice but to rest

12:00       Heart rate 79 BPM, still high
                Body temperature is 36.3 °C, 0.4 °C higher than normal, and the body is             
                struggling to recover from damage
                I want to take a break, but I have a lot to do, so I decided to move little by little.



2024年12月21日 (土)

多目的トイレ / Accessible Toilet


The other day, when I returned to my hometown, I checked the accessible toilets at the department store in front of the station, which was renovated three years ago. It was close to the latest specifications, so I will introduce it here.

向かって右から「おむつ交換台」で、折り畳まれている台を展開して利用できます。 続いて、人工肛門(ストーマ)を利用している人が利用する「オストメイト用設備」です。人工肛門に装着しているパック(パウチ)を外してから、内容物を中央部の便器に流して、事後処理の一切をここで行なえる様になっていて、人工肛門を確認するのに便利な高さに鏡が設置されている等、少し小ぶりですが多機能設計の設備でした。続いて左にあるゴミ箱の横には、乳幼児を一時的に座らせておく「 乳幼児用シート 」になっています。

From the right, you can use the "diaper changing table" by unfolding the folded table. Next is the "ostomate equipment" used by people who use a colostomy (stoma). After removing the pack (pouch) attached to the colostomy, the contents are placed on the toilet seat in the center, and all post-processing can be done here, and a mirror is installed at a convenient height for checking the colostomy. Next to the trash can on the left, there is an "infant seat" that allows infants to sit temporarily.

その更に左には、よく見慣れた「便座」があります。ただ、一般の家庭用とは異なる点も多くあります。一つは 左右と上下方向に伸びた頑丈な「手すり」がある事と、トイレットペーパーロールの右にある「非常用呼び出しブザー」がある事、そして、その上には「点字付き各種操作ボタン」です。 以前よく見掛けた仕様と較べて、便座から手すりまでの距離がある配置になっていて、特に、車椅子を使う小柄な女性の場合、便座横まで車椅子を近付けるのは良いのですが、障害の程度によって、便座との移動では苦労する様に見受けられました。しかし、多様な人、多様な場外の人に対応した仕様にするのは簡単な事ではありません。そして、その左には、「クリーナー(消毒液)ディスペンサー」で、トイレットペーパーに浸して便座面をクリーニングするのに利用します。そして、ディスペンサーの下にあるサニタリーボックスを挟んで、コンパクトな洗面台、そして消臭用の空気清浄器が備わっていました。

Further to the left is the familiar "toilet seat". However, there are many points that are different from ordinary household use. One is that there is a sturdy "handrail" that extends left and right and up and down, there is an "emergency call buzzer" to the right of the toilet paper roll, And above that are "various operation buttons for braille". Compared to the specifications that I often saw before, the arrangement is that there is a distance from the toilet seat to the handrail, and especially in the case of a small woman who uses a wheelchair, it is good to bring the wheelchair close to the side of the toilet seat, but depending on the degree of disability, it seemed to be difficult to move to and from the toilet seat. However, it is not easy to make specifications that can accommodate a variety of people and people outside the venue. And to the left of it is a ”dispenser of cleaner” (disinfectant), which is used to clean the toilet seat surface by soaking it in toilet paper. And there was a sanitary box under the dispenser, a compact washbasin, and an air purifier for deodorizing.



The only equipment that this toilet did not have was a large seat (bed) called a "universal seat" that was used to change diapers for adults and people with disabilities. That said, the "Accessible toilet" is a toilet that anyone can use, so I think everyone should use it without hesitation. And although it is not usually noticed or talked about, I think it is important to understand that we live with various people who need such equipment.

『 路面清掃日記 』12月20日 / ”Road Cleaning Diary" December 20

前回の清掃から 約一か月余り、季節は完全に冬になり、早朝の気温 マイナス1.5℃ に震えながら赤穂市の『交通公園』へ向かいました。 ただ、太陽の力は偉大でした。到着して朝日を浴びながら作業を始めると、防寒装備で着込んだ服の中は少し汗ばむ程で、思っていたよりも快適に作業を進める事が出来ました。

The season was completely winter, and we headed to the traffic park shivering in the early morning temperature of minus 1.5 degrees Celsius. However, when I arrived and started working while bathing in the morning sun, I was a little sweaty in my cold clothes, and I was able to proceed with the work more comfortably than I expected

『 今回の清掃目標j / The Ceanup Target 』

交通公園の中央を走る2本の太い直線路の清掃が終わった今、次の目標は、多人数対象の安全運転講習では必要になる、う回路となる公園外周路の清掃です。そして今回は、その外周路の中で最も最も大きな “土砂溜まり”、信じられない程に厚く広く土砂が大切した非常に危険なスポットとその周辺でした。

The cleanup goal is the perimeter of the park, which is a detour that is required for safe driving classes for a large number of people. And this time, it was the largest "sediment pool" on the outer perimeter, a very dangerous spot with unbelievably thick and wide sediment.

その “土砂溜まり” から除去した土砂の量は、容量 43 L(リットル)のコンテナボックス 5箱分もあり、自然の力の大きさと何年も整備がされていない事がわかります。

The amount of dirt removed from the "dirt pool" is equivalent to five container boxes with a capacity of 43 liters, which shows the magnitude of the power of nature and the fact that it has not been maintained for years.

『 次の清掃目標 / The Next Target 』

さて、次回の清掃目標は、今回のスポットと同様に、自然の力が外周路を大きく浸食しているエリアですが、今度は土砂ではなく“芝草” です。公園周囲の草地から、外周路の縁石を超えて公園を侵食していて、本来なら 3m あるコース幅が半分ほどに狭くなっているのです。これでは、自転車やオートバイの初心者に限らず、練習用コースとして利用するには レッドフラッグ が出て当然です。 清掃には 3日間ほど必要になると思いますが、必ず安全な外周路にします。

Now, the next cleanup target is not sediment, but areas where "turf" and "grass" have eroded. The grassy area around the park has eroded the park beyond the curb of the outer perimeter road, and the width of the course, which should be 3 meters, has been narrowed by about half. In this case, it is natural to get a red flag to use it as a course for training. It will take about 3 days to clean, but be sure to make sure that the outer road is safe.



ページ中の画像は クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示 - 非営利 - 改変禁止 4.0 国際 ライセンスの下に提供されています
文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.

2024年12月18日 (水)

人の美しさ / The Beauty of People


Today, I came across the scene in the image on one of my favorite paths that I always use for shopping, which is full of natural trees, birds, and, depending on the season, crabs. The road is wide enough for one car to pass, so there is not a lot of traffic, and sometimes there are cars resting in the passing area, but it is not a place to throw away cigarette butts in bulk.




I haven't had a direct conversation with the person who threw away this cigarette, so I have no intention of discussing their morals or personality here. However, the act of throwing away unnecessary items such as plastic bottles and empty cans is not beautiful in itself, no matter how you look at it.

There is a tendency to pursue problems such as environmental issues, violations of ordinances (laws), and morals, but before that, I think it is much more important for each of us to have an aesthetic sense to judge whether or not an act is beautiful as a person.

2024年12月16日 (月)

見舞いの帰省 / Returning home for Sympathy


数年前に脳梗塞で倒れ、入院と施設への入所を繰り返し、今は殆ど動く事もできなくなり、さらに、一か月前に起こした誤嚥性肺炎によって、状況は一気に深刻になり、食事は摂れず、意思表示もできず、ただ毎日、500㏄ の点滴だけの生活が続いています。

だから、僕は 黄色のジャケットに赤いネクタイ、黒いシャツに黒いズボンを着て、目を閉じれなくなっている姉に、僕の姿がはっきりと見える様に、ベッドサイドから身体を乗り出す様にして話をしてきました。きっと、姿が見えていると信じて、声も届いていると信じて、たわいも無い事を30分間ほど話し続け、最後に「春になったら、一緒に桜を見に外出しよう」と伝えてきました。主治医の推測がどうであれ、きっと、出来ると信じています。

Today, I went back home to visit my sister-in-law.

A few years ago, she collapsed from a cerebral infarction, and was repeatedly hospitalized and admitted to a facility. Now, she can barely move. Furthermore, a month ago, she developed aspiration pneumonia, and her condition became more serious. She can no longer eat or express her feelings, and she continues to live on 500cc of intravenous drip every day.

So, I wore a yellow jacket, red tie, black shirt, and black pants, and leaned over the bedside so that my sister, who could no longer close her eyes, could see me clearly. I believed that she could see me and hear my voice, and we talked about trivial things for about 30 minutes, and finally I told her, "When spring comes, let's go out together to see the cherry blossoms." Whatever the doctor's guess, I believe she can do it.
























2024年12月15日 (日)

画像公開していきます / We will be posting Images

GRAの広報資料の作成を進めていた時、「オートバイで走行している画像が少ない」という事に気付きました。 オートバイを走らせる事が当たり前になり過ぎて、広報用の資料にさえ殆ど掲載していなかった事に気付かなかったのです。そこで、次回作成の広報用資料に掲載するのとは別に、GRAの事をあまり知らない人の為に、走行中の画像を少しずつ公開していく事にしました。きっと、楽しんでもらえると思います。

When I was preparing the PR materials for GRA, I noticed that there were few images of motorcycles in motion. Riding motorcycles has become so commonplace that I didn't realize that I hardly ever included them in the PR materials. So, apart from including them in the next PR materials, I decided to gradually release images of GRA in motion for people who don't know much about it. I'm sure you'll enjoy them.




Also, to let people who have the misconception that GRA is all about motorbikes know that we have had many different ways of having fun, with motorbikes at the core, we will occasionally post images like this one. This is a scene from the Gymkhana Party "White Party" (held in conjunction with the Gymkhana Grand Prix) held in April 1995. The dress code for the party was "white," so this person attended in a wedding dress. Furthermore, at subsequent parties, even more extreme (?) costumes have appeared, so please look forward to them.




ページ中の画像は クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示 - 非営利 - 改変禁止 4.0 国際 ライセンスの下に提供されています
文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.






2024年12月 8日 (日)

街を散策・「赤穂玩具博物館」/ Ako Toy Museum 」


Last winter, I was gradually getting better from the poor health I had been feeling since the summer I moved here, so I went hiking to recuperate and rehabilitate. Recently, I have been gradually increasing my rehabilitation by walking around the town where I live, and I went to the Ako Toy Museum, which I had been interested in for a long time, so I would like to introduce it to you.

『 正面外観 / Front View 』


The museum, located in front of the north of Ako Castle in the center of Ako City, is a house that is over 50 years old, and the exterior is filled with cars and signs that are older than the house itself, creating an atmospheric and somewhat strange sight.



『 スバル360 / Subaru 360 』

この博物館の看板車は、何と言っても 1960年発売のスバル360 でしょう。2ストローク 2気筒 360㏄ のエンジンで、煙を吐きながら走る姿が思い出されます。展示車両は、テールランプの形状から、1967年頃の車両だと思われます。 そして、その前方の薄いウグイス色の車両は、1957年発売の三輪軽トラック、ダイハツ・ミゼットで、ハンドル形状が丸ハンドルですから、恐らく 1959年以降の年式だと思われます。

The museum's signature vehicle is undoubtedly the Subaru 360, released in 1960. Its two-stroke, two-cylinder, 360cc engine brings to mind the image of it spewing smoke as it drives. The vehicle on display is thought to be from around 1967, judging from the shape of the taillights. And the light green vehicle in front of it is a three-wheeled light truck, the Daihatsu Midget, released in 1957, and since it has a round steering wheel, it is probably from 1959 or later.

『 入口 / Entrance 』

この博物館の最初の難関は「入口」探しでした。看板や車、自転車だらけで、一般的な博物館の入り口をイメージすると入れません。黄色の「SSチェーン薬局」の看板のした、森永キャラメルの看板の左隣、由美かおりさんの笑顔に迎えられながら、狭い入口をくぐり抜けます。しかし、身長 145㏄ 以上の方は、頭部打撲事故に注意が必要です。

The first challenge in this museum was finding the entrance. There are signs, cars, and bicycles everywhere, and if you imagine a typical museum entrance, you won't be able to get in. We pass through the narrow entrance, greeted by the smiling face of Kaori Yumi, located to the left of the Morinaga Caramel sign, under the yellow "SS Chain Pharmacy" sign. However, if you are over 145cm tall, please be careful of head injuries.

『 入口の右隣には / Right next to the Entrance 』

入口の右隣を覗けば、「ウルトラセブン」が飛んでいます。そして、その「ウルトラセブン」を荷台に載せて運んでいるのが、1959年発売、マツダ(当時は東洋工業)の軽三輪トラック・K360 です。当時は、ダイハツ・ミゼットと同じ軽三輪トラック同士で人気を分けていましたが、僕は 5歳の頃に初めて運転した想い出のある K360 がお勧めです。このよく似た 2台の見分け方はドアを見れば簡単です。ミゼットのドアは 後ヒンジの前開きで、K360 は一般的な 前ヒンジの後開きです。さらに、K360 の後につけているのが、フロントカウルの形状から、恐らく、1960年頃のシルバー ビジョン だと思われますが自信ありません。そして、その 2台の背後からヘッドライトを出しているのは、1957年型の ダットサン 210 か、翌1958年型の ダットサン 211 だと思います。後のブルーバードの祖先ですね。

Looking to the right of the entrance, you can see "Ultra Seven" flying. And the vehicle carrying "Ultra Seven" on its loading platform is the Mazda (then Toyo Kogyo) K360, a light three-wheeled truck released in 1959. At the time, the Daihatsu Midget and the other light three-wheeled trucks were equally popular, but I recommend the K360, which I remember driving for the first time when I was 5 years old. It's easy to tell the difference between these two similar vehicles by looking at the doors. The Midget's doors are rear-hinged and open in the front, while the K360's are standard front-hinged and open at the back. Furthermore, judging from the shape of the front cowl, the vehicle attached to the back of the K360 is probably a Silver Vision from around 1960, but I'm not sure. And the car with the headlights coming out from behind those two is probably a 1957 model Datsun 210 or a 1958 model Datsun 211. It's the predecessor to the later Bluebird.

『 博物館内部には / Inside the Museum 』


しかし、身長 170㎝ 以上の方は、古い家屋と展示物のため、頭上に注意が必要です。実際、僕は博物館を出るまでに 3回頭をヒットしました。また、内部は展示物満載ですから、少人数で入館される事をお勧めします。


The museum, which opened in 2004, is filled with items from the Showa era, including prewar items, such as toys, miniature cars, home appliances, and various advertising exhibits that the director, Mr. Suzuhara, has been collecting for many years, and there will be some familiar items for those over 50 years old. Also, even those who do not know the Showa era will be able to see the origins of modern culture and commercialism, unlike museums with items from the Edo, Meiji, and Taisho eras. (No images, sorry)

However, those who are over 170 cm tall should be careful of the overhead due to the old house and exhibits. In fact, I hit my head three times before leaving the museum. Also, since the inside is packed with exhibits, I recommend entering with a small group.

2024年12月 6日 (金)

あれから、やっと30年が / Since then, 30 years

sources : 神戸新聞


自宅が全壊になり、残っている住居を探し歩き、オートバイと整備機材やGRA関連の機材を保管する事務所を探し出し、それからは、地震の事を忘れるように、仕事とNPO活動に一心不乱で突き進む毎日を過ごしました。 しかし、逃れられませんでした。地震から10年後の 2005年1月17日 朝、目覚めるのが恐くなり、目を開けられませんでした。 PTSD の様に心の中は傷付いていたのだと思います。




It's been almost 30 years since then. To be honest, I don't really want to remember the big earthquake that hit Kobe on January 17, 1995.

My house was completely destroyed, so I searched for the remaining residence, and found the office where I kept my motorcycle, maintenance equipment, and GRA-related equipment. After that, I spent every day working single-mindedly at my work and NPO activities, trying to forget about the earthquake. However, I couldn't escape. On January 17, 2005, 10 years after the earthquake, I was afraid to wake up in the morning and couldn't open my eyes. I think I was hurt inside, like PTSD.

After a big disaster or accident, people hold memorial gatherings 10 or 20 years after the disaster, but I still can't look at it. My father, who returned from Burma (now Myanmar) where he was deployed, never told me about the battlefield, but now I can understand his feelings.


2024年12月 5日 (木)

バスからのプレゼント / Gifts from the Bus


When I was riding my bicycle, I received a wonderful gift from the bus that warmed my heart, so I would like to introduce it.

『 姫路にて / in Himeji City 』


僕は、40年以上に亘って人口 約150万人の神戸市に住み、人口 約275万人の大阪市の中心地・梅田で勤務していました。その為、僕個人と主宰しているNPO法人の銀行口座は 2行の “都市銀行” で 4つの口座を開設していました。しかし、僕が昨年移住した赤穂市は人口 約4万人の小さな街の為でしょうが、都市銀行は無い事は想定外でした。その為、メインバンクにある口座のケアの為に、年に一回のペースですが、赤穂から 約40㎞ 離れた 人口53万人の 姫路市 へ行く必要があり、先日、自転車で行った時の事です。

I moved to Ako City last year, and there is one thing I need to solve. It is the care of the main bank.

For more than 40 years, I lived in Kobe City, a city with a population of about 1.5 million, and worked in Umeda, the center of Osaka City, which has a population of about 2.75 million. For this reason, I personally opened four bank accounts with two "megabanks" and used them frequently. However, Ako City, where I moved last year, is a small city with a population of about 40,000, but I didn't expect that there would be no megabanks. Therefore, in order to take care of the account in the main bank, it is necessary to go to Himeji City, which has a population of 530,000, which is about 40 km away from Ako City, and I went there by bicycle the other day.

『 プレゼント / GIFT 』

銀行で正式な住所変更やキャッシュカード再発行の手配を終えた後、午後から、自転車で、現在の住居物件を紹介してくれた姫路市内にある不動産屋さんへお礼の挨拶と、1992年以来、オートバイや自転車の塗装でお世話になっているペイントショップ さんへ 久し振りの挨拶に向かっていた時、その瞬間が訪れたのです。

道路は片側1車線ですが、道路外側には広い歩道があり、歩道と道路の間には割と綺麗で幅のある路側帯があったので、当然、路側帯を時速 30㎞ ほどで走っていました。 多くの車は、僕の横を通り過ぎて行ったのですが、一台のバスだけが 僕を警戒してか、或いは、とても慎重なのか、50m以上に亘って、僕の横をを通り過ぎるのを躊躇していたのです。


すると、通り過ぎて 20m も行かない間に、バスのハザードランプが 2度点滅したのです。 明らかに「ありがとう」のサインだったので、嬉しくなった僕は、バスの左ミラーに向かって、右手を大きく上げて振って「こちらこそ、ありがとう」と返しました。きっと、バスの運転手の人も見てくれたでしょうし、大変に心が温まった瞬間でした。

After making various arrangements at the bank, I was on my way to the afternoon by bicycle to say thank you to the real estate agent in Himeji City who took care of me when I moved here, and to the paint shop that has been indebted to me for painting motorcycles and bicycles since 1992 for the first time in a long time.

The road is one lane on each side, but there is a wide sidewalk on the outside of the road, and there was a relatively beautiful and wide roadside strip between the sidewalk and the road, so naturally I was driving at about 30 km / h on the roadside strip. Many cars passed by me, but only one bus hesitated to pass by me for more than 50 meters, either because they were wary of me or because they were very cautious.

At that time, I was looking at the car behind me in the rearview mirror, but I judged that the bus was not a normal route bus, but a chartered or rented car from the body and license plate, and that it was a person who was not very accustomed to driving. So, like throwing a ball in bowling, I slowly turned my right arm wide and made a gesture with my fingertips, "Please, please pass by," and the bus driver seemed relieved and walked past me.

Then, less than 20 meters away, the hazard lights of the bus flashed twice. It was clearly a "thank you" sign, so I was so happy that I raised my right hand wide and waved it toward the left mirror of the bus, and said, "Thank you for this." I'm sure the bus driver saw it, too, and it was a heartwarming moment.


その瞬間、僕が学生時代に経験したエピソードを思い出しました。 それは、故郷の道を自動車で走っている時でした。道路を並行して走っている国鉄(現在は JR)の線路を、反対側からディーゼル列車が走って来たのです。しかし、その列車の運転手の人は、直前に通り抜けたトンネルで点灯させた前照灯を消し忘れていたのです。そこで、僕がパッシングライトを点滅させて教えてあげると、短い汽笛と一緒に 運転手の人が僕に手を振ってくれたのです。その時の見知らぬ人との心温まる “繋がり” と同じ様に、今回、バスの運転手の人と交わした “繋がり” は、いつまでも僕の大切なエピソードとして残っていくでしょう。

At that moment, I remembered an episode I experienced when I was a student. It was when I was driving on the road of my hometown. A diesel train came running from the other side of the tracks of the Japanese National Railways (now JR), which ran parallel to the road. However, the driver of the train had forgotten to turn off the headlights that he had turned on in the tunnel he had just passed through. So I flashed my passing light and told him, and the driver waved to me with a short whistle. Just like the heartwarming "connection" I had with the stranger at that time, the "connection" I had with the bus driver this time will remain as an important episode for me forever.


それは、自動ドアが普及してからは、後に続く人の為に開けたドアを支えたり、荷物を持っている人の為に開ける配慮や、ドアを音を立てずにきちんと閉める習慣が失われてしまった事を見れば明らかです。同様に、駅や高速道路では自動改札や ETC が普及して、ガソリンスタンドやスーパーではセルフレジが普及し、人と人とが直接触れ合う “繋がり” の機会が失われています。 そして、人工知能・AI が一気に普及し始めた現代では、ビジネス業務の多くを個人の能力に頼らず、AI 経由で間違いの無い平均的な対応ばかりになり、電話に出た会社の人は AI だったという事は驚きにもならない程、人と人が “繋がり” を持つ機会は間違いなく減っていくでしょう。

それでも、僕はそれを懸念していませんし嘆いてもいません。なぜなら、人が人として生きていく為には人との “繋がり” は欠かせないので、 “繋がり” の機会は形を変えて残り続け、“繋がり” を求める人も決して減らないと信じているからです。 だから、僕は、これからも人との “繋がり” の機会を大切に生き続けていきます。そうすれば、間違い無く、素敵な出会いはあり続けるでしょう。

But in a few years, as the number of self-driving cars increases, the habit of drivers exchanging greetings with each other at any opportunity will disappear.

That's because you don't want to feel awkward when the other side is self-driving. Therefore, I may never be able to interact with the people on the bus this time, just like the people on the JNR.

Still, I'm not concerned about it, and I'm not lamenting it. This is because "connection" with people is indispensable for people to live as people, so we believe that opportunities for "connection" will continue to exist in different forms, and that the number of people seeking "connection" will never decrease. That's why I will continue to cherish the opportunity to "connect" with people. If you do that, there will be no doubt that wonderful encounters will continue to occur.

横を通り過ぎて、前方 50mを走っていたバスですが、その前方の信号機が 赤 に変わってしまったのです。このままでは、路側帯を走っている僕は、信号待ちでバスの横に並んでしまう事は確実です。大きく手を振った分だけ、なんとも恥ずかしく気まずい(?)状況が見えてきました。そこで、まるで「ここが目的地ですよ」という風に、次の路地を左に曲がって時間稼ぎをしたのです。はい、僕は恥ずかしがり屋の小心者です。

However, the situation changed suddenly. The bus was running 50 meters in front of me, but the traffic light in front of me turned red. If this continues, I, who am running on the side of the road, will surely line up next to the bus waiting for the traffic light. As much as I waved my hand widely, I felt embarrassed and awkward (?). The situation is now visible. So, as if to say, "This is my destination," I turned left at the next alley to buy time. Yes, I'm either shy and small-minded.

金属・3Dプリンターとオートバイ整備 / Metal 3D printer and motorcycle maintenance

sources : (株) 井上ボーリング / Inoue Boring Co., Ltd 

いわゆる内燃機屋さん・株式会社 井上ボーリング 代表の井上壮太朗 氏による、カワサキ マッハⅢ・H2 のシリンダーを 3Dプリンターで作成した事を説明している動画で、とても分かり易く興味深く解説されているので、お勧めです。

 This video by Sotaro Inoue, president of Inoue Boring Co., Ltd., explains how he created the cylinder for the Kawasaki Mach III H2 using a 3D printer. It is very easy to understand and interesting, so I highly recommend it.


ただ、今回の様なシリンダーの場合、単純に 3Dプリンターを購入すれば誰でも製作できる訳ではなく、内燃機エンジニアとして培った知識と技術、そして、同社が得意にしているシリンダー内壁をアルミメッキ加工する技術があって実現した事も忘れてはいけません。
なお、この展示会場は、11月10日までの 6日間、2年毎に開催されている「日本国際工作機械見本市」で、非鉄金属材料を取り扱っている商社・DOHO と共同でブース出品されている様です。そして、肝心の 金属 3Dプリンターのメーカーは 世界でも有数の技術を誇る中国の Zrapid 社の製品で、DOHO は 同社の日本総発売元となっています。

Inoue seems to like communicating, and many people know him because he posts on social media and sometimes appears in various motorcycle magazines, but when I watched the video, I realized for the first time that his voice and facial expressions make him seem familiar.

As he explains in the video, the trend of manufacturing metal parts using 3D printers will continue to progress, and there is no doubt that they will be used not only for suspension arms of expensive sports cars and attachments for factory production lines, as previously introduced, but also for many vehicle parts discontinued by manufacturers and the manufacture of uniquely designed vehicles.

In addition, this exhibition venue seems to be exhibiting a booth in collaboration with DOHO, a trading company that handles non-ferrous metal materials, at the Japan International Machine Tool Fair, which is held every two years for six days until November 10th. The essential metal 3D printer is manufactured by Zrapid, a Chinese company that boasts one of the world's leading technologies, and DOHO is the sole distributor in Japan for the company.



ページ中の画像は クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示 - 非営利 - 改変禁止 4.0 国際 ライセンスの下に提供されています
文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.

2024年12月 1日 (日)

広報資料「開催イベント一覧」作成の案内 / Publicity Materials "Events List by Year"



The purpose of creating this document is, first, to add it to the documents when proposing to hold safe driving courses at "Traffic Park" to the traffic division of the jurisdiction police station, the traffic safety department of the city hall, as well as to educational institutions and businesses that use mopeds. As a result of the road surface cleaning by GRA, the main areas of "Traffic Park" have now been cleaned, and by next spring, the dangerous sections of the outer road will be cleaned, so it is expected that the environment will be safe to hold courses during the spring Traffic Safety Week. Therefore, in preparation for next spring's season, we will visit each department and business in December and make proposals using this document.

In addition, we will also post it on the official website as a "publicity document" that can be viewed and downloaded, to appeal to more people and further expand our activities in the future.

Please look forward to GRA's future activities and give us your suggestions.



ページ中の画像は クリエイティブ・コモンズ 表示 - 非営利 - 改変禁止 4.0 国際 ライセンスの下に提供されています
文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.

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