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2024年10月31日 (木)

路面清掃日記『リハビリ報告』 / Road Ckeaning Diary "Rehabilitation Report"


On Tuesday, October 29, 2024, we cleaned the road surface of "Traffic Park" in Ako City, so we would like to report on this.


『 自然溢れる外周路 / Peimenter Road Full of Nature 』

交通公園の中央部の十字路から伸びる 2本の太い道路の清掃も残り僅かとなりました。しかし、図や写真からは想像はつかないと思いますが、これからが骨が折れる清掃になります。と言うのは、「交通公園」は河川敷の草地・草原の中にポツンと作られた舗装路の施設なので、施設の外周部になればなる程に、外側から侵入してくる草や砂・土が多くなり、それだけ路面の損傷も酷くなっているからです。

画像で示したのは、今回の作業エリアで、同じ箇所の清掃作業の前後の様子です。草による路面浸食の影響で、アスファルト路面が破壊されている事が判ると思います。こういう場所では、草たちは “地下茎” のネットワークを張り巡らして集団で繁殖しているので、その破壊力を止めるには、地表に見えている部分の草刈りではだめです。地下茎を可能な限り、それこそ、根こそぎ抜き取っておく必要があります。

The Traffic Park is a paved road facility built in the grassland and grassland of the riverbed, so the closer you get to the perimeter of the facility, the more grass, sand, and soil that invades from the outside, and the more severe the damage to the road surface becomes, making the cleaning work harder.
The image shows the same area in the work area before and after cleaning work. You can see that the asphalt road surface has been destroyed by the effects of grass erosion. In places like this, the grass spreads in groups, spreading a network of "underground stems," so mowing the parts that are visible above ground is not enough to stop their destructive power. It is necessary to pull out as many underground stems as possible, right up to the roots.


However, now that I'm used to cleaning work and my skills have improved, I tried to increase the workload a little to check the results of the rehabilitation.

『 リハビリ報告 / Rehabilitation Report 』


暑さが厳しく体調にも厳しかった夏場を過ぎ、以前の様に、活動後に発作が出る事も少なくなっていたので、今回は少し無理をして 6時間の作業に挑戦しました。結果は、清掃から 2日経過しましたが、今の所は発作は起きていませんので、リハビリ計画は順調と言えるでしょう。しかし、やはり疲れは大きく残っています。


Last year, I got sick living in Kobe, and in May I was hospitalized with heart failure, and my body was not able to put much strain on my heart. However, after moving to Ako, I started to pay attention to various things, from diet to sleep, and made efforts to suppress heart attacks, gradually reducing the frequency and severity of attacks.
And since the beginning of this year, I started cleaning up the "traffic park" that I had been concerned about for a while, with a heart rate monitor and blood pressure monitor in hand, in order to make it safe to drive.

After the summer, which was tough on my health, I have not had as many attacks after cleaning activities as before, so this time I increased the load a little and tried to work for six hours. As a result, two days have passed since the cleaning, and so far I have not had any attacks, so I can say that my rehabilitation plan is going well. However, I am still very tired.

All that remains of the main road is the outer circumference road, but since this is the part that is the most strained, I plan to do it over two more days. I aim to complete the cleaning of the two main roads by mid-November.



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2024年10月27日 (日)

イベントは、あなたの要望にも応えます / Event Organization is Open to your Requests

GRAは、オートバイに関心の高い方からの要望(リクエスト)に応えて、以前からイベント開催を行なっています。 その案内を分かり易くページと画像でまとめましたので、関心のある方は、是非、ご覧下さい。


GRA has been holding events for some time now in response to requests from people who are very interested in motorcycles. We have compiled information on these events in an easy-to-understand format with pages and images, so if you are interested, please take a look.

Please feel free to contact us




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2024年10月26日 (土)

O&A記事『バンクのさせ方は?』掲載 / O&A Article, “How to Lean?” Publication

「バンクのさせ方は?」という質問を受け、その回答記事『バンクのさせ方は?』を掲載しました。 バンク操作は、オートバイ独自の操縦方法ですから、安全にライディングを楽しむ為の参考になれば幸いです。

In response to the question, “How do I lean?” and the article, “How Do I Lean? is now available. Leaning is a unique motorcycle maneuver, and we hope it will be helpful to you to enjoy riding safely.


なお、今回の回答記事は【 簡潔編 】【 解説編 】を掲載していますが、より詳しい【 詳細編 】と更に詳しく緻密な 【 YOKAI’s Room 】を後日追加掲載して、追加掲載の際には改めてご案内致しますので、是非、ご期待下さい。

In addition, this article contains a [Brief Edition] and an [Explanatory Edition], but we will be adding a more detailed [Detailed Edition] and an even more detailed and detailed [YOKAI's Room] at a later date, and we will let you know when we have more information, so please look forward to it.




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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.

2024年10月25日 (金)

3Dプリンターは生物を模倣する / 3D printers that mimic life forms


The latest supercars, low-volume, high-value vehicles, are all using parts made with 3D printers for metal.


sources : Life in the FAST LANE



しかし、近い将来、AIの利用技術は一般的になる事は間違いないので、3Dプリンターを使った同様な部品の製造が可能になるでしょう。少なくとも、マニングセンタやCNCフライスなどを駆使して作られた特殊な部品よりも、3Dプリンターで作られた最適形状の部品の方が評価が高くなるでしょう。更に、カーボンファイバーなどの複合素材用の3Dプリンターが開発されれば、圧倒的な優位性を持つ部品が F1等の車両に広く利用されるでしょう。オートバイだと、スイングアームに最初に採用されるでしょう。高剛性で軽量、しかも最適なエアロダイナミクスを持つ、チーターの骨格を思わせる様なスイングアームです。夢が広がる技術です。


The article shows, with images, that suspension structural parts are being made with 3D printers in the McLaren W1, Ferrari F80, and Bugatti Tourbillon. And the most interesting thing is that all of them are shaped like the skeleton of an organism or living thing. As you can see from the parts they are used in, this is not the result of prioritizing styling, but rather the result of designing using AI to make them lighter with less material, and to pursue higher strength and better aerodynamics. The most notable thing is that they look just like the skeletons of organisms that have evolved over billions of years.

In addition, with a 3D printer, it is even possible to manufacture hollow parts with truss structures inside, making it the perfect manufacturing method for low-volume, high-performance, high-value vehicles.

However, it is certain that AI technology will become commonplace in the near future, so it will be possible to manufacture similar parts using 3D printers. At the very least, parts with optimal shapes made by 3D printers will be more highly rated than special parts made using machining centers, CNC milling cutters, etc. Furthermore, if 3D printers for composite materials such as carbon fiber are developed, parts with overwhelming advantages will be widely used in vehicles such as F1 cars.
For motorcycles, it will probably be first used in swingarms. High rigidity, light weight, and with optimal aerodynamics, the swingarm resembles the skeleton of a cheetah. It is a technology that expands dreams.


路面清掃日記『草の根の脅威 』/ Road Cleaning Diary "Grassroots Threat"

2024年 10月22日と24日の両日、赤穂市にある「交通公園」の路面清掃をしましたので報告します。

We cleaned the road surface of "Traffic Park" in Ako City on both October 22nd and 24th, 2024, so we would like to report on it.

『 草の根の脅威 / Grassroots Threat 』

以前、清掃活動を報告書で知った 2人の方から「草刈り機ありますけど、使いませんか」と別々に申し出を受けた事があります。とても、ありがたい事です。きっと、報告書の画像から、雑草の刈り取りが大変そうに見えたのでしょう。お二人には、「ありがとうございます。でも、路面清掃がメインですから」とお断りしました。




Due to the lack of sufficient road cleaning for many years, the important asphalt pavement has been eroded, collapsed, and there are many places where it has risen up due to the root acid secreted from the grass roots, so in order to protect the road surface, it is essential to remove the grass that has broken through the asphalt and grown. In addition, we do not cut off the parts that are sticking out from the ground surface, but remove them by the roots, which takes a lot of time and effort, and most of the road cleaning work is spent on removing the grass.



『 今後の見通し / Future Outlook 』

公園の中央部を走る太い道路の未清掃区間は残り僅かとなりましたが、中央部に較べて外周部の方が路面も草も荒れているので、南北道路を終えるまには、あと少なくとも 3日間の作業が必要になるでしょう。そして、11月に入ってからは、外周路の作業に入る予定です。しかし、外周路にはとても大きな “土砂溜まり” が点在していて、走行するにはとても危険な場所が数多くあるので、そうい場所のスポット清掃から始める予定です。


It will take at least three more days of work to finish cleaning the central part of the park. Then, in November, we plan to start work on the outer road. However, the outer road is dotted with very large "dirt piles" and there are many places that are very dangerous to drive on, so we plan to start with spot cleaning of those places.

In order to make the area more suitable for safe driving lessons during the Spring Traffic Safety Driving Week, bicycle safety lessons for newly enrolled junior high school students, and driving lessons for newly hired postal workers and Yakult Ladies, in addition to the main wide central road that will be used as the main route, we would like to make the outer road, which is to be used as a "travel path," as safe as possible to use in order to ensure smooth operation.




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2024年10月23日 (水)

交通公園・路面清掃活動を掲載しました / Road Cleaning Activities Publishied


he road cleaning activities at Ako City's Traffic Park, which began in March 2024, have been summarized and published on the official website in an easy-to-understand format.
The progress of the cleaning activities to date has been posted on the "Official Blog", the activity dates have been posted on the "Activity Timeline", and the event details have also been posted in the "Event Planning Guide".


路面清掃活動 ・公式ブログ / Road cleaning activities・on the official blog

2024年活動年表 / 2024 Activity Timeline

イベント企画案内 / Event Planning Information



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文章等は許可無く転載することを禁じます / Copyright GRA All Rights Reserved.

2024年10月13日 (日)

嬉しい変化、二つありました! / There were two Happy Change!


GRAとして、定期的に路面清掃に出向いている 交通公園ですが、昨日(10/12)は、前夜から体調が思わしくなくて、午後 2時から清掃を始めたところ、今までに見なかった二つの変化を発見して、嬉しくなったので報告します。それは、交通公園に対する 人々の意識の変化です。

This is a story about Traffic Park in Ako City.

We regularly clean the roads at Traffic Park as one of the activities of GRA, but yesterday (10/12), I hadn't been feeling well since the night before, so I started cleaning at 2pm. Then, I discovered two changes that I had never seen before, which made me happy, so I'd like to report them. They are changes in people's awareness of Traffic Park.

『 規制パイロン / Restriction by Road Corn 』

今までも報告している通り、交通公園は赤穂市が管理している施設ですが、先週と今回、「規制パイロン」を設置して下さっていたのです。と言うのも、普段は設置されてない パイロンとコーンバーですが、交通公園に隣接した芝生の河川敷を “臨時駐車場” として利用する際、駐車する為に河川敷へ入ってきた車両が、交通公園内に進入するのを防ぐ為に設置されているのです。


芝生の河川敷を “臨時駐車場” として活用する事は年に数回しかありませんが、少なくとも、路面清掃を始めた 3月、路面清掃と “臨時駐車場” 開設日 が重なった日には 規制パイロンの設置は無く、駐車に向かう車両が交通公園内を通過していました。

それが、先週と今回では、規制パイロンを設置して、交通公園内を駐車車両が通過する事を防ぎ、一般市民が交通公園本来の利用するのを妨げない処置をされているのです。私は、昨年までの状況を詳しく知りませんが、もし、交通公園本来の活用を守る為の処置がなされる様になったとすれば とても嬉しい事ですし、その変化の要因の一つに、路面清掃活動が関与しているとすれば更に嬉しい限りです。

Ako City, which manages the traffic park, installed "regulation pylons" last week and this time. The pylons and cones are not usually installed, but they are installed to prevent vehicles that enter the riverbed to park when the grassy riverbed adjacent to the traffic park is used as a "temporary parking lot" from entering the traffic park.

The grassy riverbed is only used as a "temporary parking lot" a few times a year, but at least in March when the road cleaning started and the opening day of the "temporary parking lot" overlapped, there were no regulation pylons installed and vehicles heading to park passed through the traffic park.

However, last week and this time, regulation pylons were installed to prevent parked vehicles from passing through the traffic park, and measures have been taken to not interfere with the general public's original use of the traffic park. I don't know the details of the situation up until last year, but I would be very happy if measures are being taken to protect the original use of Traffic Park, and I would be even more pleased if road cleaning activities are one of the factors behind this change.


『 若い親子 / A Young Family 』

補助輪付きの自転車乗った、恐らく 2~3歳の 女の子とご夫婦の三人連れのご家族が、離れた場所にある駐車場に車を停めて、ゆっくりと歩きながら交通公園にやって来たのです。

挨拶をして尋ねると、初めて交通公園を訪れたとの事でした。「確か、そんな施設があったはず」と言って、お子さんの自転車の練習の為に、初めて交通公園を訪れたとの事でした。 看板の一つも設置されていない交通公園ですが、少しずつ認知が広がっているとすれば嬉しい限りです。そして、そんな方々の為に、路面の一部ですが、路面清掃でより安全な環境が提供できているとすれば、更に嬉しい限りです。 




As the sun was setting, a young family visited Traffic Park.

The family, consisting of a couple and their daughter, probably 2 or 3 years old, who was on a bike with training wheels, parked their car in a remote parking lot and walked slowly to Traffic Park.

When I greeted them and asked them about it, they told me that it was their first time visiting Traffic Park. "I'm sure there was such a facility," they said, explaining that they had come to Traffic Park for the first time to practice riding their child's bike. Traffic Park does not have a single sign, but I am very happy that awareness is gradually increasing. And I would be even happier if the road cleaning, even if it is just a part of the road, can provide a safer environment for such people.

With these two happy events, I will continue cleaning the roads.




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2024年10月 5日 (土)

海外から、質問が寄せられました / Questions received from overseas

先日掲載したQ&A記事『 “荷重の変化”について? 』をご覧になった、海外害の方から質問が届きましたので紹介します。

We received a question from an overseas victim who saw our recently published Q&A article, "What about 'changes in load'?", so we would like to introduce it here.

QUESTION receiced

”I would like to ask about the formula for calculating the spring weight of the front shock absorber. The spring value is 0.85 and the front shock stroke is 120 mm. But in the calculation formula it is written that 0.85 × 130 = 110.5
I would like to know which part of the front shock the 130 is the number taken from.

「 フロントショックアブソーバーの荷重の計算式についてお伺いします。スプリングレートは0.85で、フロントショックのストロークは120mmです。しかし、計算式には0.85×130=110.5と書かれています。フロントショックのどの部分の数値が130なのか知りたいです。 」


前輪に掛かる最大荷重を算出した記事 への質問で、この質問者の方には、回答記事を 1~2週間後に作成して掲載する予定ですが、指摘された計算式について、きっと関心や疑問を持った人も少なくないと思います。 どうぞ、みなさんの考えをコメント欄を通じて募集しています。

This is a question about an article that calculates the maximum load on the front wheel. We plan to create and post an answer to the questioner in 1-2 weeks, but I'm sure there are many people who are interested or have questions about the formula that was pointed out. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section.



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Q&A記事『バンクのさせ方は?』進行中 / Q&A "How to Lean?" in progress


We have received questions about how to lean a motorcycle, and in response to them, we are currently creating a Q&A article titled "How do Lean?" which we plan to publish in the near future. Today, we are pleased to announce that the image and title banner for the article have been completed.

記事の顔となる画像は、いつも時間をかけて愉しみながら作成していますが、今回の作品は少しレトロ感が感じられることでしょう。なにしろ、1994年11月20日に開催した、『 ジムカーナパーティ ・ 秋場所 』の画像です。

I always take my time and enjoy creating the images that are the focal points of my articles, but this one has a bit of a retro feel to it. It's an image from the "Gymkhana Party - Autumn Tournament" held on November 20, 1994.



2024年10月 3日 (木)

ソックス / Socks

ここ赤穂では、昨夜から雨が続き、今日(10/3)は雨続きの日になりました。そのためか、日中でも20℃ ほどの気温で、足元が涼しく、思わずソックス を履きました。

It has been raining since last night, and today (10/3) is a rainy day. Because of this, the temperature was about 20℃ even during the day, and my feet were cool, so I instinctively put on socks.

ひと月前には暑い日が続き、足元にある PC からの排熱で余分に汗をかいていたのですが、今日はその 排熱 さえ感じられないほどです。そして、今週末には更に気温が下がるとの予報も出ており、本格的に秋が始まっているようです。

A month ago, the hot weather continued, and I was sweating excessively from the heat emitted by the PC at my feet, but today I can't even feel the heat. And it's predicted that the temperature will drop even further this weekend, so it seems that autumn has really begun.
Everyone, please take care of your health and spend a wonderful autumn in good health.


2024年10月 2日 (水)

赤穂市交通公園、清掃報告・09/20/2024 / Ako City Traffic Park, Cleaning Report 09/20/2024

兵庫県赤穂市にある、全国的に珍しい、「交通公園」の路面清掃活動は、今年(2024年)3月に開始して、7月には 約 600㎡ の路面清掃を完了したのに続いて、9月20日に 約 872 ㎡ の路面の清掃が完了しました。

Road cleaning activities at Traffic Park in Ako City, Hyogo Prefecture, began in March of this year, and after completing the cleaning of approximately 600 ㎡ of road surface in July, approximately 872 ㎡ of road surface was completed on September 20th.


The facility was built over 30 years ago, and the road surface had not been cleaned for many years, so it was not in the best condition to hold safety driving training courses for bicycles or motorcycles.


However, by removing the pebbles, sand, and dirt that have accumulated widely on the road surface, the number of areas where motorcycles can be used for training and practice safely is increasing.

これも、事前に市役所の担当部署の方が路面清掃に対して了承して下さり、警察署には路面清掃開始の案内を好意的に受け止めて下さったお蔭ですが、それ以上に、清掃活動を インターネット上で知って応援して下さった方々、そして、清掃活動中に「お疲れさん」と声を掛けて下さっている数多くの市民の方々の暖かい応援のお蔭です。


We have been able to get to this point thanks to the relevant department at city hall who gave their prior approval for the road cleanup, and the police station who warmly accepted the announcement that the road cleanup was about to begin. But even more than that, we owe it to the warm support of those who found out about the cleanup activities on the Internet and supported us, and the many citizens who called out "good job" to the group as they cleaned up.



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10月の花壇 / Flower bed in October



For residents who had never cared for plants before moving in, the home's flower beds are an opportunity for new discoveries and encounters.


First up is the morning glory. It has climbed higher and higher than last year, and is watching me from the window of my workroom on the second floor.

その「アサガオ」の足元には、白い花を咲かせた「タカサゴ フヨウ」。昨年は顔を見た覚えが無いのですが、秋を謳歌しています。
At the base of the morning glory is the white-flowered hibiscus. I don't remember seeing it last year, but it is enjoying autumn.

「アサガオ」とは違い、少し日陰になりがちな場所で上へ上へとツルを伸ばしているのは「マルバルコウ」。 小さなオレンジ色の花ををきらめかせています。
Unlike the morning glory, the vines that grow higher and higher in a place that tends to be a little shady are the marubarukou. They are sparkling with small orange flowers.

And the wood sorrel that occupied a corner of the flower bed last year. This year, the distribution of power in the flower bed has changed, and it is blooming with modest pink flowers.

この花壇では、何もしない住人に代わり、環境の変化(?)に合わせて次々の 新しい顔ををのぞかせてくれています。今日(10/2)、僕も 新しい場所へ出向き、新しい人々と出会いました。 また、明日からの人生の愉しみが増えました。

In this flower bed, instead of the idle residents, new faces are peeking out one after another in response to the change in the environment (?). Today (10/2), I also went to a new place and met new people. I have more fun in life from tomorrow onwards.



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